No surprise I’m at Stone Creek. This is not just another day at Stone Creek. It is “Meet the Owner Day.” It seems a little odd to me. Some people come in here every day like me and for some this is the occasional stop on their way to work. I am not understanding why this guy is here. For the regulars our connection is with the people who work here everyday. For the people for whom this is a stop on the way to work they just want coffee. I don’t think they care who is at the top of the money making chain. This guy has no relevancy for me. Stone Creek to me is Erica, Ben, Natalie, and Liam. Its not this guy sitting next to me?
I would have to admit sometimes when our church gathers I see it as a “Meet the Owner” experience. In reality there are some people who want to meet the leader of a community of faith. I need to realize though that those people’s connection is with the people they came with. The connection to any organization most the time will not be with the “top” of the organization its with the bottom. The connection is with the people who love the organization and are fans of it.
Our real goal should be to empower the people who have the connections to help drive the organization. Let the manager at a certain location do what he feels would best for his store. The suggestion box needs to be a vital part of the organization. Then follow up with those people to develop the idea, explain the obstacles the idea faces, or clarify the idea.
True. But it is thru the owner that one can see change happen. If you've got an idea or concern, the guy at the bottom generally has little power to solve situations (unless it's just getting you a fresh cup-o-joe.) The owner may not be your everyday connection, but knowing you can access him ups your value in that organization from consumer to someone more proactively involved.
ReplyDeleteSometimes the impression of availablilty counts.
I think it would be more valuable to empower the people at the bottom. There is a lot of top down control. They play the same music at all the stores. You have Bay View and Oconomowoc in that pool. Those are very different demographics. Empower the people who work there to keep the Stone Creek essentials there and then to flavor each differently.
ReplyDeleteI would hope to do this with Veritas one day in a different local. Keep essentials the same but flavor it with the particular community's flavor.
As i read this maybe part of my frustration is in a value on relationships. If you as the owner come in only once a year I have no relationship with you but this is somehow supposed to make me feel like i do? It just seems impersonal to me. Have meet the owner day once a week for a month and i think some of what they are going for could actually be accomplished.